Shaker Philosophy aplicado al Software Development

If it is not useful or necessary, free yourself from imagining that you need to make it.
If it is useful and necessary, free yourself from imagining that you need to enhance it by adding what is not an integral part of its usefulness or necessity.
And finally: If it is both useful and necessary and you can recognize and eliminate what is not essential, then go ahead and make it as beautifully as you can.

ó mas consiso:

Don’t make something unless it is both made necessary and useful; but if it is both necessary and useful, don’t hesitate to make it beautiful


Me encontraba tratando de compilar Hula, cuando tuve un problema sobre “Safe variable operations not implemented on this platform” , decidí ver la documentación, al ver que no estaba lo que buscaba fuí al canal del proyecto, donde amablemente me atendieron =), el problema fué que aun no tienen soporte para otras arquitecturas mas que x86, y yo estaba compilando en una UltraSparc, en fin, al darles las gracias, y animarlos a seguir adelante un hacker apodado “vitaminmoo” dijo esto:

One can but hope.
And hack.
One can but hack in a hopeful manner.
Or hope in a hackful manner, I suppose.

Bonita frase :-)

Saludos !